I hope that a little twist on time will give you some food for thought, and inspiration to maintain hope, love, and compassion.
Time Hm there just never seems to be enough of it. 24 hours in a day can feel like 12 when you have a family, a career, siblings, parents, bosses, friends, grandchildren, a home, groceries, lol I think you get my point. Not enough time during the day and never enough time to sleep.
Our weekends seem to short, and our warm seasons seem to end as fast as they started. How many times have you said, “wow today went by incredibly fast, or holy cow that week flew by?” We seem to be in a hurry everyday all day, which turns into a week, then a month, and those months turn into years. As infants and adolescents, we could care less about time. (This is why I think we should never grow up lol) Then you get to be around the age of 12 or so and cannot wait to become an adult. Foolishly thinking being an adult is where all the action is. We become an adult and embrace the full responsibilities of life. It is not long before we begin to wish for retirement. You hit retirement age, and those sneaky thoughts of wishing you were young again find their way into your mind. (LOL)
Why are we in such a hurry, why do we take time for granted.? Time is a onetime deal, every second, every minute, every hour, every day. There are no do overs. Why do we not realize what and incredible gift time is? We literally get to have a new beginning every second, every minute of every day, and instead of feeling deep gratitude for such an opportunity we focus on all we have not accomplished. I for one wish that I had been given this perspective at a young age. I can sincerely say I would have looked at life through a whole different lens.
My purpose for writing about time is that I hope you will take that breath, stop what you are doing and, appreciate your friends, your loved ones, the cashier at the grocery store, but most importantly yourself. Take the time to have that conversation with your mom, take the time to hug a friend, take the time to have that romantic dinner. Dance, sing, laugh, allow that inner child to come out and play.
I think time is one of our greatest teachers, and the least appreciated. When you find yourself frustrated and stressed thinking you do not have enough time? When you feel life has handed you rotten apples time and time again, remember that life has gifted you with time giving you the opportunity to help the world be a better place. To learn, to grow, to create, to love, to experience, and the best of all live.
Many Blessing to you all,